Companies don’t pay managers for these ‘drinks’; their costs are included in the salaries:
1. Two daily cups of true TRUST, preferably in the mornings; its effects last all day.
2. Three regular doses of natural EMPATHY, as the prescription indicates.
3. And a half gallon of pure COMPASSION, always available.
How to serve and pour
Please, share the TRUST with everybody: you (first), your boss, pairs, colleagues, customers, and providers. Forget old flavors and enjoy a new and optimistic blend.
Then, slowly continue the invitation with the EMPATHY, starting with those you don’t like. Prepare the guests list in advance. Again, try to forget the last time you offered it and discover new possibilities.
And finally, offer a hot and aromatic bowl of COMPASSION to everyone in the company who needs it. Unfortunately, people don’t use to ask for it, but they love it. You, the leader, will know for sure who requires more quantity.
In our camp, we hydrate properly; apart from water, we also include coffee, tea, and broth. And the three main ‘beverages’ that all leaders should never forget to drink in their workplaces: are TRUST, EMPATHY, and COMPASSION.
To continue to be successful in the future, leaders must lower their stress and anxiety levels and increase humility and willingness to others. No doubt, nature drives them to achieve it.