Get rid of your two-tone jacket. Hang it for a moment. And don't see everything in black and white. Fortunately, life isn't just two-toned. It's not all polarity; there are gradations.
If we choose the shades of grey colour, there are light grey, dark grey, deep grey, matt grey, glossy, dimmed, satin, and more and more, living in peace and harmony.
Knowing how to find other tones that only black or white, or paths such as north and south, or trends such as left or right, will open you to a future where we will all begin to know each other and trust each other enough to be able to establish a relationship based on collaboration.
Open your will and start loving the 'greys' in the hard place to do it: your workplace.
Living in harmony is what is missing the most in organizations. Let's abandon the dichotomy of good or bad. Some good bosses are not leaders, some good negotiators are not top salesmen, and some excellent operators don't score the best.
The truth is that it is not a question of good or bad. It's a matter of attitude and respect for others.
If we support different opinions, we could work as a real team. We all have something in common, from our beliefs, past thinking, and current perspective.